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The Scrum Metrics for Hyperproductive Teams: How They Fly Like Figher Aircraft will be presented at the IEEE HICSS Conference in Maui in January. A preliminary copy is available online at the link above.
Previously, OpenView Venture Partners videotaped the Scrum metrics presentation that Scott Downey and I presented at Agile 2010. It consists of an animated slide presentation and an Excel spreadsheet that supports RoboCoach, the automated tool for generating a retrospective on your Scrum.
In the presentation, we fine tune the backlog and the Scrum meetings to help create a culture of hyperproductivity. High performing teams are constantly removing impediments. As they go faster and faster the impediments become smaller and smaller, yet constant attention to removing them is critical. Failure to do this is similar to failure of the flight control computer in a high performance jet aircraft. It is always making slight adjustments to keep the aircraft stable. If the computer fails, the plane will spin out of control.
The metrics here are simple to collect and detailed in their capability to assess the stability of a team. For the first time we have comparable metrics across Scrum teams which are useful for identifying opportunities for coaching and improvement.
Videos of the Agile 2010 presentation can be found here. The latest RoboCoach spreadsheet can always be found on The version of the presentation prepared for Openview can be downloaded here.