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Debunking Sustainable Pace con el Dr. Jeff Sutherland y JJ Sutherland

In the ever-evolving landscape of Agile methodologies, the term "sustainable pace" has often been relegated to the realm of buzzwords—misunderstood, misapplied, and at times, even misused as an excuse for mediocrity. I want to reclaim and redefine sustainable pace, elevating it from a mere concept to a potent tool in the arsenal of Agile teams and organizations.

In a meeting at Snowbird, Utah, U.S. in 2001, a group of software development experts gathered to find a common language for their lightweight processes. The term "Agile" was agreed upon, inspired by a book on 100 lean hardware companies that had formed an Agile consortium.

Durante una pausa de apenas 10 minutos para tomar café, ocho personas se quedaron en el albergue para redactar los cuatro valores fundamentales del Manifiesto Ágil. Cuando los 9 restantes regresaron de las pistas de esquí, los valores les parecieron tan convincentes que los aceptaron sin modificaciones. El resto del día se dedicó a redactar los 12 principios rectores. Uno de ellos era la idea del ritmo sostenible.

La militarización de los principios ágiles y la interpretación errónea del ritmo sostenible

Over the years, the Agile community has distorted these principles. Concepts like self- organization were weaponized to mean "do whatever you want," leading to a lack of alignment and accountability. This misinterpretation was so rampant that the Scrum Guide had to be revised. The term "self-organization" was changed to "self-management" to correct this misunderstanding. Similarly, "Servant Leadership" was rephrased to "A Leader Who Serves" because Scrum Masters, operating as “clerks,” were facilitating the failure of 58% of Agile teams. Given the current misuse of "sustainable pace," it's evident that another update to the Scrum Guide is urgently needed.

The concept of "sustainable pace" has been grossly misinterpreted. Originally intended to ensure long-term productivity and innovation, it's now used as a shield against accountability. This misuse has contributed to the high failure rate of “Agile in Name Only” teams. Given this, a re-examination and potential revision of "sustainable pace" in the Scrum Guide are warranted to prevent it from being weaponized against performance.

Drawing from Frison's free energy brain model, high predictability and fewer surprises lead to freeing up energy for innovation. Sustainable pace isn't about going slow; it's about maintaining a pace that allows for continuous innovation without burnout. Managers who pressure teams to finish too much deplete brain energy, making innovation impossible.

La necesidad de un reinicio

It's time to reclaim the true essence of Agile, one that aligns with the principles of complex adaptive systems. Empowerment must be earned and sustained through performance, and "sustainable pace" should never be an excuse for not delivering results. The Scrum Guide, as a living document, must adapt once more to clarify these critical concepts.

In the early 2000s, the Agile Manifesto emerged as a flight manual for navigating the turbulent skies of software development. Crafted by visionaries who had achieved 10x performance through Scrum and XP, the manifesto was a distillation of their collective wisdom. Among its guiding principles was "sustainable pace," a concept rooted in the understanding that high performance is a marathon, not a sprint.

En el mundo de la aviación, los aviones de combate son maravillas de la ingeniería, diseñados para la agilidad y la velocidad. Sin embargo, son intrínsecamente inestables y requieren constantes ajustes para mantener el rumbo. Esto refleja el viaje de los hiperproductivos equipos Scrum, que también operan en un entorno intrínsecamente inestable, realizando continuas correcciones de rumbo para mantener su trayectoria.

Frison's Theory: The Aerodynamics of the Brain

Frison's theory posits that the brain's evolution is tied to predictability and minimizing surprises. Fighter pilots leverage this innate human trait to maintain control amidst turbulence. Similarly, hyperproductive teams use metrics like velocity and burndown charts to achieve a high level of predictability, thereby minimizing surprises and maximizing performance.

El patrón "Los equipos que terminan pronto aceleran más rápido" se basa en el uso de múltiples patrones de apoyo para lograr un ritmo sostenible en el que el equipo predice con exactitud lo que puede hacer, de modo que pueda entregar antes los resultados previstos. Así se evita el coste de no cumplir las expectativas, que genera un derroche de energía para arreglar una situación rota. Esa energía se utiliza para la mejora continua, la innovación y la aceleración del equipo.

Ritmo sostenible: el impulso de los resultados a largo plazo

The original intent behind including "sustainable pace" in the Agile Manifesto was to ensure that teams could maintain 10x performance without burning out—akin to how a fighter pilot manages energy to sustain long flights. It's not about slowing down; it's about calibrating your speed to ensure you can go the distance. Sustainable pace, in this context, means high predictability, minimal surprises, and constant innovation.

Al igual que los aviones de combate requieren un delicado equilibrio de velocidad, agilidad y control para surcar los cielos, los equipos hiperproductivos necesitan un equilibrio similar para navegar por el complejo panorama del desarrollo de productos. Ambas entidades se guían por los mismos principios: maximizar la previsibilidad, minimizar las sorpresas y realizar ajustes constantes para mantener el rumbo. Esta es la esencia del ritmo sostenible, un principio que, cuando se entiende y se aplica correctamente, puede impulsar a los equipos a nuevas cotas de rendimiento e innovación.

The Flight Path Ahead: Reclaiming Agile's True North

As we continue to explore the Agile landscape, let's remember that the original intent of the Agile Manifesto was to provide a framework for sustained excellence. It's time to reclaim that intent, guided by the lessons we can learn from the aerodynamics of fighter aircraft and the neuroscience of Frison's theory. Sustainable pace is not a compromise; it's a commitment to excellence, a commitment to being Agile in the truest sense of the word.

The term "sustainable pace" has been misused and misunderstood, often serving as a convenient excuse for underperformance. It's time to reclaim its original intent as a weapon for transcendence. The first Scrum and XP teams didn't use this principle to justify mediocrity; they used it to fuel their journey towards 10x performance.

La frontera final: Transcendence

By using sustainable pace as a tool for transcendence, organizations can break free from the shackles of mediocrity and soar to new heights. This is not a pipe dream; it's a tangible reality for those willing to embrace the principles and practices that have been proven to work.

Let's not settle for mediocrity when we have the tools and knowledge to achieve greatness.
