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Líderes que aprovechan el bucle OODA para Value Stream Management

On our journey to explore the OODA Loop's application for value stream management, let’s build upon the insights gained from our last blog as an Herramienta de eliminación de impedimentos ágiles. The OODA Loop, encompassing the stages of Observe, Orient, Decide, and Act, isn't merely a theoretical construct but a practical and transformative approach.  To bring the concept to life, let’s draw inspiration from the breakfast rituals of Alex and Skylar, two siblings preparing breakfast for their youngest sibling, Riley. Their toast-making escapades serve as an example of the OODA stages in action, demonstrating how these principles can be applied to streamline processes and drive continuous improvement in any business setting. 

Phase 1 - Observe: Identifying Pain Points in Value Streams 

Alex y Skylar se dieron cuenta de que dedicaban mucho tiempo a preparar el desayuno de Riley por la mañana, y ninguno parecía contento con los resultados, a pesar de sus esfuerzos por desayunar bien y salir por la puerta. Podían ver que su proceso era inconexo. A Riley le encantaban las tostadas con mermelada, así que Alex sacaba el pan, lo metía en la tostadora y Skylar se encargaba de untar la mermelada en la tostada siguiendo un patrón circular que a Riley le gustaba. Sin embargo, Riley rechazaba la tostada unos 2 días de cada semana, y Alex y Skylar tenían que empezar de cero.

In the 'Observe' phase, we take the time to scrutinize our current processes. It’s important to gather data, identify delays, and recognize value stream bottlenecks. To do this, conduct a ‘value stream walk’, gather stakeholder feedback, and qualitative and quantitative information to pinpoint where your value stream may be lagging. Are there stages in your production where time is wasted? Is there a step where customer feedback often becomes negative? These insights are vital for informed decision-making. 

Phase 2 - Orient: Analyzing and Understanding the Data 

En nuestro ejemplo de la tostada, Skylar le pregunta a Riley por qué la tostada no era comestible. Riley quería que estuvieran calientes al tacto. Skylar se dio cuenta de que, a veces, la tostada se quedaba en la tostadora hasta 10 minutos cuando se acababa. El hecho de que Alex y Skylar se dieran cuenta de que el problema radicaba en el traspaso de tareas refleja la necesidad de que las empresas analicen sus procesos y determinen dónde la simplificación o la integración podrían mejorar el flujo. 

The 'Orient' phase requires a dive into the data collected. It's about understanding the relationships between different steps in your value stream and identifying underlying causes of inefficiencies. To analyze your process, Utilize tools that make sense. Many tools can work with Agile or Lean methodologies. The important thing is to understand how each step in your value stream contributes to the overall business goals. Is there alignment or are there disconnects that need to be addressed? Understanding these dynamics is crucial for effective streamlining. 

Phase 3 - Decide: Strategic Decision-Making 

Cuando Alex y Skylar comprendieron lo que afectaba al objetivo del resultado final -que Riley se comiera su tostada- pudieron rediseñar su proceso para que una persona pudiera llevar la tostada hasta el final, asegurándose de que Riley recibiera un desayuno caliente. Esto refleja la necesidad de que los equipos lleven a cabo la mayor parte posible del flujo de valor, evitando transferencias innecesarias. 

Armed with insights, the 'Decide' phase is where strategic planning comes into play. It's about prioritizing areas for improvement and crafting realistic solutions. This is where you need to be strategic. Prioritize improvements based on their impact on overall value delivery and align them with your business goals. Decisions might involve reallocating resources, introducing new technologies, or retraining staff. Ensure that your decisions are scalable and sustainable. 

Phase 4 - Act: Implementing and Monitoring Changes 

Just as Alex and Skylar made a plan to make sure Riley got warm toast, they needed to observe Riley's response to the changes in their toast-making process.

Similarly, businesses need to closely monitor how changes impact their value stream. The 'Act' phase is about bringing your decisions to life. Many businesses spend a great deal of time exploring issues but do commit to actions that address them.  And, implementation of a strategy must be accompanied by vigilant monitoring to gauge effectiveness.

Vigile de cerca los indicadores clave de rendimiento. ¿Están produciendo los cambios las mejoras esperadas? Esté preparado para adaptar y ajustar sus estrategias en función de la información y los datos en tiempo real. Recuerde que el flujo de valor es dinámico y que su planteamiento debe ser igual de ágil. 

Iteración para la mejora continua

Alex and Skylar's story doesn’t end with one cycle; they will continue to refine their process. Eventually, they may want to get Riley to eat eggs.  The iterative nature of the OODA Loop ensures continuous refinement. Similarly, businesses should use the OODA Loop as a continuous improvement tool, always seeking ways to enhance value delivery. 


The OODA Loop is more than just a conceptual framework; it's a practical guide for managing and improving value streams in any business. The narrative of Alex and Skylar's breakfast endeavors serves as a tangible illustration of the OODA Loop in action, highlighting its iterative nature and the importance of continuous refinement. Embracing the OODA Loop as a continuous improvement tool empowers businesses to navigate challenges, enhance value delivery, and foster a culture of adaptability toward growth and excellence. 
