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Registered Scrum Master@Scale™


Being an effective Scrum Master at Scale requires exceptional organizational aptitude, and to perform across multiple teams requires an even greater skill set spanning leadership, analytics, and interpersonal communication. This course will teach you how to be successful in this role, and the essential elements to fostering high-productive teams at scale. In addition, we’ll share insights and strategies from our success scaling Scrum teams in businesses around the globe.

Our Registered Scrum Master@Scale™ (RSM@S) training was developed by the co-creator of Scrum and inventor of Scrum@Scale, Dr. Jeff Sutherland. Through a combination of interactive exercises, you’ll get hands-on experience in product leadership in a scaled environment. We will share in-depth case studies from our own experiences scaling scrum mastery in the field. Our training will provide you with the knowledge and the tools you’ll need to advance your career and achieve greater impact at scale.

You will learn how to help your organization achieve its goals by:

  ✔ Optimizing communication between leadership and teams

  ✔ Bolstering collaboration and throughput in a large group setting

  ✔ Removing impediments to the success of an Agile organization

  ✔ Cultivating a positive and high performing culture

Pre-requisites: Scrum Master formación y Scrum@Scale Practitioner training.


Credentials: Course fee includes access to the Registered Scrum Master@Scale exam. Students who successfully complete the course and pass the exam will earn their Registered Scrum Master@Scale credential signed by the co-creator of Scrum and inventor of Scrum@Scale, Dr. Jeff Sutherland.

Registered Scrum Master At Scale Credential

Próximos cursos

Who Is This Course For?

  • Agile Practitioners and Change Agents who are looking to scale their organizational growth
  • Team Guides & Coaches
  • Product Coordinators, Project Managers and Business Analysts
  • Logistics Coordinators and Managers
  • Career professionals interested in learning the benefits of and how to implement Scrum across many teams
  • You resolve impediments for multiple teams, facilitate multiple projects or organize at an enterprise level

The Registered Scrum Master@Scale™ course equips you to:

teams accelerating icon
  • Operate Scrum@Scale effectively and the role of the Scrum of Scrums
  • Satisfy the Team Process component with scaled versions of the Scrum accountabilities, events, and artifacts
  • Reduce the number of communication pathways within the organization so that complexity of communication overhead is limited
  • Coordinate the teams’ delivery with the Product Owners Team’s release plans
  • Systematically derive metrics that inform data-driven decisions and process improvements

And this is just the beginning! Our Scrum Master@Scale course provides the launching pad you need to confidently execute the Scrum Master role across multiple teams. Through a combination of lectures, hands-on exercises, and review of real-world case studies from across a diverse set of industries, you will experience first-hand the impact of the Scrum framework and the impact the Scrum Master role offers for large-scale implementations. Utilizing the Scrum and Scrum@Scale framework in your organization will significantly improve your way of doing work. 

If you or a fellow colleague are ready to systematically and predictably identify opportunities before the competition, accelerate product innovation, and confidently deliver the highest value across a collection of teams  — register today for this advanced course.

Why Now?

As a Scrum Master serving multiple teams, you want to be qualified for the unique challenges that large-scale continuous improvement and velocity present. You organization needs servant leaders who can utilize data-driven analysis to organize the systematic removal of impediments and accelerate teams. This course equips you with the tools so that you can provide maximum value to your teams and within your organization.

Scrum@Scale: El marco de ampliación del cocreador de Scrum

Our Scrum Master@Scale courses are interactive and teach how to scale the Scrum Master role through a combination of lectures, hands-on exercises, and real-world case studies. Our instructors are Scrum@Scale experts who, when not in the classroom, are actively coaching, training, and transforming teams at Fortune 500 companies around the globe. All of our instructors are trained and credentialed by the co-creator of Scrum and creator of Scrum@Scale, Dr. Jeff Sutherland.

Jeff Teaching

Preguntas frecuentes

¿Necesito un ordenador para la clase?
Para nuestra formación en línea en directo, debe disponer de un ordenador, una conexión estable a Internet, acceso a Zoom (para audio y cámara) y a Mural.
¿Ofrecen descuentos para grupos?
Sí, ofrecemos descuentos para grupos a través de nuestro Programa de formación de equipos. Nuestros planes de formación flexibles incluyen tarifas preferentes, prioridad en la lista de espera, programación de clases en autoservicio y asistencia premium. Por favor contacte con nuestro equipo de formación.

También ofrecemos descuentos por dificultades económicas para estudiantes y solicitantes de empleo.

¿A qué hora empieza el curso?
Todos los horarios de los cursos figuran en la página de inscripción. Por favor, compruebe el curso específico al que le interesa asistir. Los participantes que deseen obtener la credencial no pueden faltar a más de 2 horas del curso. Asegúrese de tener en cuenta la zona horaria y de configurar adecuadamente los recordatorios de su calendario.
¿Y si tengo que cambiar de fecha?
Si necesita cambiar de clase, podemos trasladarle a otra. También puede transferir su inscripción a otra persona. Por favor, contacte con nuestro equipo de formación para transferir.
¿Cuál es su política de cancelación?

Puede cancelar su inscripción y recibir un reembolso completo si lo hace dos semanas antes de la fecha de inicio de la clase. A partir de entonces, transferiremos gustosamente su inscripción a otra fecha o le daremos crédito para que se inscriba en una clase futura.

Si necesita cancelar, por favor contacte con nuestro equipo de formación.

¿Cómo debo vestirme?
La mayoría de los asistentes visten ropa informal de negocios; los vaqueros están bien. En los cursos en línea en directo, la mayoría de los estudiantes también visten de sport.