Value Stream Management
Uncover inefficiencies. Eliminate waste.
Deliver More Value.
When Change Is the Only Constant
Are You A
Change Agent?
Time is money. This we know. The ability to see and resolve bottlenecks before they derail delivery is critical. How do you gain this essential insight? How do you apply it consistently and confidently?
Become a Change Agent in your organization.
Ensure the success of agile product development and delivery.
Value Stream Management is a critical aspect of lean operations that contributes to the success of agile product development and delivery. It is directly proportional to improving process efficiency, which Dr. Jeff Sutherland, co-creator of Scrum identifies as one of the most important metrics in Scrum.
Our Value Stream Management workshop is the only offering on the market that links real-world concepts from Scrum to Value Stream Management!
Innovar y acelerar
In this Value Stream Management workshop, our instructors share insights and strategies developed from years of successful Agile transformations across the globe.
Detect overproduction and discover other forms of waste to reduce process cycle times
Lo último en liderazgo intelectual
Leading Insights in Value Stream Management & Analysis
Value Stream Management, Mapeo y Agilidad: el complemento de alto rendimiento
Organizations that shift from a project-focused model to a product-focused model find themselves in alignment with the ultimate success factor: customer value delivery. Here’s how you can ensure your organization stays competitive.
Value Stream Management vs. Mapeo del flujo de valor: Oportunidades y dificultades
Management allows you to determine the measurable flow of value, where value delivery is slowed down, as well as create opportunities for better alignment & collaboration among teams. But how do you know if you’re having the impact?
Proceso de gestión del cambio: Convierta a los detractores en defensores
That people’s initial reaction to change is resistance is well known. That is one reason effective change management is critical if your organizational refactoring is to succeed. Scrum Inc.’s Michael Simmons details ways to turn…
El incremento del liderazgo: Equilibrio entre lo estratégico y lo táctico
Effective leadership is critical for any organization. But what can a leadership team deliver in a single Sprint? What are their Increments? Scrum Inc.’s Matthew Jacobs explores how leadership can identify their Increments and how they can balance the strategic and tactical nature of their work.
Eficiencia del proceso en Scrum: por qué es importante y cómo medirla
The process efficiency of executing a story on a Scrum team is the most important metric for team performance, because a team can easily double velocity in one sprint by driving process efficiency up over 50%. A team from India asked me what KPIs they should use and I told them just use process efficiency.
Sobre la
Value Stream Management Workshop
¿A quién va dirigido este curso? It’s for anyone who desires to create greater efficiencies within their ecosystems. When you join us, you’ll learn how to implement value stream management through a combination of hands-on exercises and the review of real-world case studies from teams across a diverse set of industries.
The Scrum framework + Value Stream Mapping is a powerful one-two punch that empowers teams to:
Map processes for complex products and product portfolios
Identify dependencies for processes that involve development efforts from multiple teams
Determine and develop current and future state Value Stream Maps
Detect overproduction and other forms of waste to reduce process cycle times
Lo que dicen los estudiantes:
Reduce Waste In Your Systems
Develop and optimize your value stream to ensure the success of Agile product development and delivery.
Determine and identify the measurable flow of value, while creating opportunities for better alignment & collaboration among teams.
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