Your browser does not support JavaScript! Live Online Courses are Now FREE - Scrum Inc.
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At Scrum Inc. we've been broadcasting live online courses every month for over two years. In fact this week's course on Retrospectives was our 29th. Until now, we've been charging $50/course. While we've experimented a few times with broadcasting the live event for free, it's never been our policy. However, starting with next month's webinar on Getting Done, we will offer the live broadcast for free forever.

If you want access to the recording and slides, those can be found on ScrumLab Prime. Prime is a $50/month offering but allows access to all Scrum Inc. content. This includes all previous and future online courses as well as a vast array of multi-media content that covers advanced patterns and topics.

Checkout ScrumLab Prime for free as well. Simply use the coupon: FREE MONTH.
