Your browser does not support JavaScript! Extreme Manufacturing Yellow Belt Class - Scrum Inc.
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Accelerate all of your company with Joe Justice, the creator of eXtreme Manufacturing. Together we will practice with attendees how to set up new teams, collaborate with remote teams, stay in sync across a wide portfolio of backlogs, and work as cross functional teams with generalizing specialists. We’ll get technical too, with Test First Design for non-software and software work, Contract First Design, and Object Oriented Architecture for rapid innovation work.

This session is perfect fit for software practitioners, those new to Agile methods who may benefit from a hands-on example, and those looking for concrete practices to apply Agile beyond software delivery teams, such as leadership, HR, finance, engineering, manufacturing, marketing, and research.

Join Joe for a full day tutorial at Agile Testing Days on Monday November 10, 2014.
