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Scrum Spotlight: Fabian Schwartz and 'Your Scrum Playbook: It’s Poker Not Chess'

Book cover of Your Scrum Playbook It's Poker Not Chess by Fabian SchwartzFabian Schwartz has spent decades spreading Scrum in new geographies and industries. He has helped many businesses from small start-ups to Fortune 100 companies leverage Agile to achieve their goals more effectively throughout Europe, Australia, and the Americas. 

As a Scrum@Scale Trainer and Scrum Trainer Fellow by Scrum Inc., Fabian has introduced Scrum to more than 30,000 people over the last 10 years. As the only Scrum Trainer in Colombia, Fabian is a driving force for Scrum Implementations in Latin and South America. 

Now Fabian has gathered his considerable expertise into the new book available in both English and Spanish. Your Scrum Playbook: It’s Poker Not Chess includes a forward by Dr. Jeff Sutherland. You can read an English language excerpt of the book here.

This book explains how to assemble the right team, create the right ecosystem, and lessons on avoiding the clutches of FrankenScrum. 

Have you ever heard business is a game of chess? Fabian shatters that outdated notion.

As he notes, leaders in every sector know business today feels more like a chaotic game of poker—one where you can’t see all the cards and you’re sure some opponents have an ace up their sleeve. Fabian clearly shows you how to use Scrum to create a winning hand from the cards you’ve been dealt.

Congratulations Fabian on the great new book! We wouldn’t be surprised to find it in next year’s Scrummer Reading List!
