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Planification du sprint

Sprint Planning opens each Sprint. The Product Owner discusses the Sprint Goal with the L'équipe and the Scrum Master. They then collaborate to reach a mutual understanding of the Sprint Goal and the work needed to achieve it. This resulting plan gets created through the collaborative work of the entire Scrum Team.

Temps estimé pour ce cours: 4 minutes 
Audience: Débutant
Prérequis suggérés: Scrum Fondamentaux, Scrum Cadre, Backlog de produit

À l'issue de la formation, vous serez en mesure de

  • Know how to pull items from the Product Backlog into a Sprint Backlog
  • How to determine how much work to bring into the Sprint Backlog
  • The importance of breaking work into smaller units
Sprint Planning Overview:

Sprint Planning opens each Sprint, and the resulting plan gets created through collaboration with the entire Équipe Scrum. The Product Owner will discuss the Sprint Goal with their Équipe Scrum. Then, they'll work together to reach a shared understanding of the Sprint Goal in addition to the work to be done to achieve it.

The team then estimates any Éléments du carnet de commandes du produit (PBIs) that haven't been estimated already or emerged during the Sprint Planning session. The Team may need to break large PBIs down into smaller, more manageable pieces of work. The team pulls from the top of the now ready Backlog de produit based on the amount of work the team can commit to completing in the Sprint. The best practice to gauge how much work can be done in a Sprint is to use the Yesterday's Weather pattern by only pulling the amount of work completed in the previous Sprint. Team capacity, which almost always varies week-to-week, also needs to be taken into account. (Jeff explains this process in the video).

In short, Sprint Planning addresses the following three topics:

1) Why is this Sprint valuable?
2) What can be accomplished this Sprint?
3) How will the chosen work get done?

The team needs to commit to how much work can be done in the next Sprint. They should not feel pressured by anyone outside their team to do more. If a Scrum Team is not confident that they can deliver the Sprint Backlog a negotiation with the Product Owner should take place. One of Scrum's core ideas is that only the people who will do the work know how much effort it will take.

Like all Scrum ceremonies, the Sprint Planning meeting is time-boxed. It should take no longer than two hours per week of Sprint length. Regular and effective Raffinement du carnet de commandes will dramatically reduce the time spent in Sprint Planning.

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Related Patterns
These patterns can be found on the open Google site dedicated to PLoP

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