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Product Backlog Items (PBI)

Product Backlog Items (PBIs) are the elements that make up the Product Backlog.

Temps estimé pour ce cours: 5 minutes
Audience: Beginners
Prérequis suggérés: Scrum Cadre

À l'issue de la formation, vous serez en mesure de

  • Know what kinds of items can be found in a Backlog
  • Have a checklist for creating a Product Backlog Item
Product Backlog Item Overview:

Product Backlog Items can range from specifications and requirements, to use cases, epics, Histoires d'utilisateurs, or even bugs, chores, or timeboxed research tasks. Each PBI must have these qualities:

  • Description: What the goal of the PBI is.
  • Value: the Business Value of the PBI as determined by the Product Owner.
  • Estimate: the Team needs to estimate the relative effort it will take to move the PBI to Done.
  • Order: The Product Owner needs to prioritize PBIs by their relative value.

Together these qualities make up the Definition of Ready. Having a ready Backlog can double a Team's Vélocité. Ideally, PBIs reflect the needs of customers or stakeholders. A common way to incorporate the end users' needs is to write the PBI in the form of a User Story.

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