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All ScrumLab Webinars, Courses, Papers, and Case Studies

A complete catalog of all ScrumLab topics.

Warfighter Summit

Warfighter Summit

AGILE OFFENSEFOR BETTER DEFENSE 2021 Military Agility Forum    Brought To You By:The place where top leaders in the defense sector   dominate new territory using agile implementation.     This was a dynamic dual in-person and virtual experience featuring a mix of...

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Hybrid Team Launch

Lancement de l'équipe hybride

L'HYBRIDE EST LÀ. ÊTES-VOUS PRÊT ? Préparez vos équipes à réussir dans la nouvelle réalité du travail hybride. Laissez notre expérience éliminer votre courbe d'apprentissage. Votre entreprise est-elle prête pour les environnements de travail hybrides ? Vous avez du mal à identifier la meilleure façon d'aborder cette nouvelle...

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Scrum Guide Release 2020 – Scrum Guide Celebrates 25

Scrum Guide Release 2020 - Le guide Scrum fête ses 25 ans

Dr. Jeff Sutherland and Ken Schwaber hosts a live event featuring the release of the updated Scrum Guide, celebrating 25 years of Scrum. The updated Scrum Guide is leaner but its core remains empirical. The key pillars of Transparency, Inspection and Adaptation remain part of the guide. Updates are based on 25 years of Scrum practiced by you, our Scrum community.

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Scrum in Education

Scrum in Education

This free webinar explores how EduScrum enables educators to achieve better results with their students and prepares learners for professional careers that are more impactful and fulfilling.

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Scrum In Construction Webinar

Webinaire Scrum dans la construction

From mega-projects and infrastructure to commercial buildings and residential construction, Scrum projects are safer and come in under budget and early. Attend this webinar to learn how Agile and Scrum are revolutionizing construction.

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Welcome to ScrumLab

ScrumLab (formerly ScrumLab Prime) provides free access to all recorded webinar classes in our vast catalog.


Increase Revenue: Agile Leadership

Dive into the latest thinking on enterprise Scrum, Agile leadership and prioritizing your backlog according to business value.

Perfect the Scrum Basics

Explore clear definitions and the original thinking behind all the core Scrum Framework.

Drive Continuous Improvement

Find a vast array of advanced topics and pattens that can increase your Team’s Velocity.