Registered Agile Leader@Scale
Align, Optimize, Innovate & Deliver: Unlock success at scale for you and your organization.
How Agile Leaders Lead By Example
Agile leaders foster a culture of innovation and collaboration to deliver value quickly. They ensure their organization is optimized to capitalize on opportunities and confidently adapt to challenges. Doing this consistently doesn’t happen by chance. It happens by design. Become an Agile Leader today.
Learn How Scrum@Scale Optimizes Organizational Agility.
Dive deep into the insights and strategies Scrum Inc. has learned from scaling Scrum in businesses around the world. Our highly interactive Agile Leader@Scale course is built around real-world case studies and taught by those who have successfully transformed organizations around the globe.
Participants will learn how to effectively and efficiently scale Scrum in their organization by optimizing people, processes, and products through the lens of leadership.
You will also gain a deep understanding of organizational health & design, prioritization & alignment, and efficiency & effectiveness throughout the entirety of this course.
Create and refine your organizational structure to improve efficiency and adaptability. Allow for rapid pivots at scale based on emerging business needs.
Create the right system to allow for true organizational agility. Foster a culture of innovation, collaboration, and responsiveness to change across your organization.
Ensure your culture, vision, and priorities are working towards a clearly understood goal. Remove those things slowing down innovation and productivity.
Build on success, pivot with ease when needed. Make continual improvement part of your organization’s DNA to ensure your teams can accelerate consistently and rapidly deliver better outcomes.
Découvrez les dernières nouveautés en matière de leadership éclairé
Leading Insights in Agile Leadership
Motivation et leadership moderne ; leçons surprenantes de 1967 en matière d'agilité
Robert Woods, de Scrum Inc., a récemment reçu un article datant de 1967. Si vous passez le filtre du langage spatio-temporel, vous verrez des concepts agiles avant-gardistes concernant les équipes, la motivation et le leadership moderne.
Leçons pour le leadership : Comment l'expérience des employés est votre résultat net
L'engagement et la responsabilisation des employés sont essentiels au succès de toute organisation. Alors que les dirigeants réfléchissent à la nouvelle réalité du travail, un retour d'information honnête sur l'expérience des employés est essentiel pour débloquer la productivité et le potentiel. Nous avons interrogé quatre personnes issues de différents secteurs d'activité pour connaître leur expérience de la pandémie.
Guide du dirigeant pour une transformation agile réussie : Comment aller au-delà des équipes
Il n'y a pas de raccourci dans une transformation Agile, mais il existe des modèles connus de réussite. Matthew Jacobs, notre chef Product Owner des transformations agiles, a identifié sept fonctions essentielles qui doivent être prises en compte pour garantir l'efficacité globale de vos équipes Scrum qui ne sont pas limitées par des structures héritées et des barrières institutionnelles.
Enseigner le Scrum à Tesla, discuter avec le Silicon Valley Agile Leadership Network
Pendant la semaine du lancement de la Tesla Model 3 à Fremont, CA, Tesla a invité Scrum Inc. à organiser un cours Scrum Inc Scrum Master et Scrum Inc Product Owner à l'usine. Mercredi, nous avons visité le site de production dans la voiturette de golf personnelle d'Elon Musk. Une...
Leadership agile : Confiance ou contrôle
Confiance vs. contrôle dans le leadership Agile J'ai écouté la keynote de Henrik Knieberg, coach d'entreprise chez Spotify et leader d'opinion Agile, et j'ai adoré son analogie sur la confiance vs. le contrôle. Il utilise le concept de régulation du trafic, plus précisément un...
Équipe d'action exécutive
Responsabilités de l'équipe d'action exécutive Le passage de la gestion de projet traditionnelle à Scrum est un changement de paradigme. Trop souvent, les dirigeants pensent que la mise en œuvre de Scrum est un simple changement de processus qui peut être délégué. La direction doit s'approprier une transition Agile...
Agile Leader@Scale Formation
Who Should Take Our Agile Leader@Scale Course? Current and aspiring leaders looking to optimize their organization to match the modern business climate.
When you join us, you’ll learn how to establish organizational alignment, champion a dynamic organizational culture, and ensure organizational effectiveness through a combination of hands-on exercises, guided discussions with agile leaders, and the review of real-world case studies from teams across a diverse set of industries.
Parfait pour :
➢ Project Managers | ➢ Team Leads |
➢ Scrum Masters | ➢ Management Professionals |
➢ Lean Professionals | ➢ Emerging Leaders |
Break Barriers
Culture de la forme
Agile Leader@Scale helps current and emerging leaders drive, sustain and scale success across an organization.
Why Take The Agile Leader@Scale Course
avec Scrum Inc ?
Quality leadership has always been a critical component of success. As the business world changes, the concept of what makes a good leader evolves. Who do you trust to give you the context, skills, and understanding needed to become an Agile leader?
Scrum Inc. was founded by Dr. Jeff Sutherland, co-creator of Scrum, creator of Scrum@Scale, and signatory of the Agile Manifesto. Our instructors aren’t academics – they’re practitioners who continue to successfully help transform organizations in a wide range of industries.
Each has an established record of successfully implementing the concepts and techniques they share in class. You’ll leave our course knowing not just what needs to be done, but how to do it.
Ce que disent les étudiants :
Equip your organization with the skills and techniques driving modern business success.
Ensure your success in a disruptive environment with proven practices that facilitate a better way of working. Scrum@Scale makes success at scale a reality.
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