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Visualizing Customers

Visualizing your customers is the first step in making your best customers the top priority. A well-executed Scrum can help your Team build products and services that delight quickly. But how do you know who your customers really are and what they want from your...

Scrum Pitfalls Part I

Scrum Pitfalls Part I The iterative nature of Scrum is a risk management mechanism that, even when poorly implemented, usually results in at least a 30% improvement in productivity. The rules of Scrum are simple and straightforward, and the underlying principles are...
Sprint Backlog

Sprint Backlog

Sprint Backlog The Sprint Backlog is an ordered list of Product Backlog Items or Increments, preferably User or Job Stories, that will achieve the Sprint Goal and that the Team believes it can complete during the coming Sprint. These items are pulled from the top of...

Product Backlog Refinement

Product Backlog Refinement Because requirements in Scrum are only loosely defined, they need to revisited and clearly defined before they come into the Sprint. This is done during the current sprint in a ceremony called Product Backlog Refinement. Estimated time for...