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Interrupt Pattern

Interrupt Pattern Interrupts happen. In computing, an operating system has to be able to handle interrupts or the machine will crash. It’s the same with Sprints. The key to handling interruptions is to expect them. Estimated time for this course: 12...
Product Backlog

Product Backlog

Product Backlog The Product Backlog is a prioritized list of everything that might be included in a product. The Product Owner creates, maintains, and regularly re-orders the Product Backlog to align with the Product Goal. The Product Owner uses the Product Backlog to...

The Sprint

The Sprint Sprints are the heartbeat of Scrum, where ideas get turned into value. They are fixed length events of one month or less designed to create a consistent delivery and feedback cadence for the team. All the work and events necessary to achieve the Sprint Goal...
Sprint Planning

Sprint Planning

Sprint Planning Sprint Planning opens each Sprint. The Product Owner discusses the Sprint Goal with the Team and the Scrum Master. They then collaborate to reach a mutual understanding of the Sprint Goal and the work needed to achieve it. This resulting plan gets...
Sprint Backlog

Sprint Backlog

Sprint Backlog The Sprint Backlog is an ordered list of Product Backlog Items or Increments, preferably User or Job Stories, that will achieve the Sprint Goal and that the Team believes it can complete during the coming Sprint. These items are pulled from the top of...