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Agile Thought Leadership

At Scrum Inc., our decades of Agile consulting experience cuts across diverse industries and domains. Clients rely on us to tackle complex, enterprise-wide challenges, yielding tangible outcomes. Our work often leads to new discoveries, innovative perspectives, and invaluable insights, enabling us to provide industry-leading thought leadership from the field.

Business Agility – The Intersection of Outcomes and Efficiency

There is a debate in the global Agile coaching and training community about whether we should focus on the outcomes or the efficiency of teams. Dr. Jeff Sutherland weighs in on this debate and explains an effective way to measure business agility.

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Does ‘Without Power’ Always Equal ‘Powerless’?

Does ‘Without Power’ Always Equal ‘Powerless’?

Does the concept of powerlessness reside more in a psychological sense as opposed to being grounded in reality? Scrum Inc.’s Robert Woods examines this question and ways to reflect on whether you have a learned sense of powerlessness and the impact it’s having on your work, organization, and life.

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Is the Scrum Master a Full-Time Role or Not?

Is the Scrum Master a Full-Time Role or Not?

So is the Scrum Master a full-time role? Or can it be done on a part-time basis? Can a single Scrum Master support multiple teams? Scrum Inc.’s Robert Woods answers these questions by exploring four common scenarios.

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What is Your Personal Cost of Delay?

What is Your Personal Cost of Delay?

We each have an inner critic. And they can be paralyzing. Still, as Scrum Inc.’s Brian Hackerson explains, we must learn to listen to that inner critic in order to change it to an inner advocate. Reducing the time it takes to make that switch works the same way as reducing decision latency in a Scrum Team or Agile organization.

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Home Hospital Accelerator: Spreading Acute Care at Home

Home Hospital Accelerator: Spreading Acute Care at Home

Creating a program that allows some patients to receive acute hospital-level care at home is one way to improve patient experience and reduce the potential risks of hospitalization. A group of 23 hospitals and healthcare systems have partnered to optimize home hospital care and they’re using Scrum in their accelerator.

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