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Scrum Leadership Driving Revenue

Increasing Revenue in the Enterprise Our scrum leadership classes and courses are directed at leaders looking to leverage scrum to drive revenue across their business unit or enterprise. If you're not a member, visit our pricing and plans page for more detail. Scrum...

Agile Thought Leadership

Agile Thought Leadership At Scrum Inc., our decades of Agile consulting experience cuts across diverse industries and domains. Clients rely on us to tackle complex, enterprise-wide challenges, yielding tangible outcomes. Our work often leads to new discoveries,...

ScrumLab Open

Welcome to ScrumLab Open ScrumLab Open is a free resource that explains the basic framework, roles and key patterns of Scrum. It includes clear definitions, insightful videos from the inventor of Scrum, as well as, published papers on Scrum Practices. ScrumLab open is...

The Scrum Framework: How Scrum Works

How Scrum Works: Scrum Framework Scrum is a simple framework to boost productivity and deliver products that will delight your customers. It does this by breaking the complex into smaller, component parts. Scrum Teams then focus on tackling one piece at a time. After...