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Welcome to ScrumLab Open

ScrumLab Open is a free resource that explains the basic framework, roles and key patterns of Scrum. It includes clear definitions, insightful videos from the inventor of Scrum, as well as, published papers on Scrum Practices. ScrumLab open is perfect for the Scrum curious, the Scrum beginner or the advanced practitioner looking to refresh on the fundamentals.

We also offer a more in-depth online course: Scrum Startup for Teams.

You can also improve your Scrum by attending one of our Scrum Master or Scrum Product Owner classes. Advanced practitioners may be interested in reading Jeff Sutherland’s Scrum Papers, taking our Scrum@Scale training, or visiting the official Scrum@Scale site to download the latest Scrum@Scale Guide.

All ScrumLab Open Videos

All ScrumLab Open Topics

2020 Scrum Guide Changes and Updates Explained

The 2020 Scrum Guide contains numerous updates and changes that make it the best guide yet. Scrum co-creator Dr. Jeff Sutherland, along with JJ Sutherland, Avi Schneier, and other members of the Scrum Inc. team explain what’s new in the 2020 Scrum Guide, what’s been removed, and the reason for each of the changes.

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SolarWinds and Cybersecurity: Using Scrum To Improve National Security

Cybersecurity must continuously evolve, adapt, and be quickly deployed in order to be effective. Failure to keep pace with the innovation of ‘bad actors’ turns the software we rely on into unguarded digital flanks ripe for exploitation and attack. Consultant Denise Jarvie uses case studies and her real-world experience to explain how the Scrum Framework is uniquely suited to mitigate the risks of cyber attacks.

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Cells, Teams, and the 2020 Scrum Guide Update

2020 Scrum Guide The 2020 Scrum Guide is shorter, more focused, and has One Team. In addition to tying the three artifacts to goals with commitments, we addressed two of the biggest challenges in the industry - servant leaders who don’t lead and self-organizing...

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Product Goal

The Product Goal describes a long-term objective or future state of the product. It is a vital part of the Product Backlog, referred to in the Scrum Guide as a commitment. The Scrum Team uses the Product Goal to plan against and maintain focus.

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Scrum Developers

Developers are the people in the Scrum Team that are committed to creating any aspect of a usable Increment each Sprint. It does not mean software developers. The term Developers is used because these are the people who develop or create the increment.

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Scrum Guide Release 2020 – Scrum Guide Celebrates 25

Dr. Jeff Sutherland and Ken Schwaber hosts a live event featuring the release of the updated Scrum Guide, celebrating 25 years of Scrum. The updated Scrum Guide is leaner but its core remains empirical. The key pillars of Transparency, Inspection and Adaptation remain part of the guide. Updates are based on 25 years of Scrum practiced by you, our Scrum community.

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Better Scrum with Essence

How can we help teams get better at understanding, adopting, using and improving Scrum? A powerful new idea that the Essence standard brings is formally describing the lifecycle of states that key items go through with simple checklists.

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Five Whats That Lead To Effective Impediment Removal

We’ve all been there. We know what work needs to be done. But an impediment stands in our way. However, sometimes simply surfacing an impediment does not provide the context needed to get it resolved. This is why Scrum Inc. Consultant Alex Sheive has evolved a lightweight template to make sure all that context is clear.

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Scrum in Education

This free webinar explores how EduScrum enables educators to achieve better results with their students and prepares learners for professional careers that are more impactful and fulfilling.

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