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Scrum Metrics: Get 4x Velocity

Scrum Metrics: Get 4x Velocity

Get Hyper-Productive with Scrum Metrics Hyper-Productive Metrics are tools that help closely examine Teams and conduct experiments to improve their productivity. They can be used to identify strengths and weaknesses, but more importantly they allow the evaluation of...

Hyper-Productive Scrum Metrics

Hyper-Productive Metrics Hyper-Productive metrics are designed to help Scrum Masters carefully tune their teams into a hyper-productive state. Hyper-Productivity is defined as a 400% increase in Velocity over the baseline Velocity with corresponding quality. The...

Yesterday’s Weather

Yesterday’s Weather Yesterday’s Weather is a Scrum pattern that helps Teams quickly calculate how many Points they will likely complete in the upcoming Sprint. The name comes from the fact that the best predictor of today’s weather is yesterday’s weather. In...

Points vs Hours

Points vs. Hours Estimation is a fundamental building block in Scrum. Without it Product Owners and Scrum Masters will struggle with securing a release date and showing velocity improvement. When adopting Scrum the tendency is to continue approximating in time....

Scrum Master

Scrum Master The Scrum Master is accountable for the Scrum Team’s effectiveness. They are tasked with making sure everyone understands Scrum theory and practice. The Scrum Master serves the team by: Coaching the Developers (anybody working on the sprint...