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Who Fires a Scrum Team!?

Who Fires a Scrum Team!?

In an Agile 1.0 organization, where a traditional management structure exists with Scrum teams in delivery roles, management fires the Scrum team if they don’t perform. In an Agile 2.0 organization, where the entire company is re-organized into Scrum teams that...


Retropectives One of the core principles in Scrum is the idea of continuous improvement. Each Sprint the Team engages in an inspect-and-adapt cycle during the Retrospective meeting. Beyond that, the Scrum Guide does not offer much insight into how to run a successful...

Sprint Retrospective

Sprint Retrospective The Sprint Retrospective, the last ceremony in the Sprint, takes place after the Sprint Review and before the next Sprint Planning. The meeting should be time-boxed to no more than an hour per week of Sprint length. The Scrum Master facilitates...